Frequently Asked Questions

Ordering Questions:
1.  What type of licenses are available for AlarmWiz?
AlarmWiz is available in both single-user or multi-user licenses.  The online ordering form includes discounts for orders of multiple licenses of AlarmWiz.  If you or your company have questions regarding our ordering procedures, please send a message to .

Technical Questions:
1.  How do I use the FTP feature of AlarmWiz?
See the FTP Introduction.

2.  I receive an access error on FTP transfers, is there a fix for this?
Yes, there was an issue in the AlarmWiz FTP procedure when performing an FTP transfers to the default FTP directory when the FTP path was not specified.  Version 1.30 of AlarmWiz resolves this issue.

3. I receive periodic access errors on a laptop computer using version 1.30 of AlarmWiz, is there a fix for this?
Yes, there was an issue with AlarmWiz processing battery status messages in version 1.30 of AlarmWiz.  This problem has been fixed in version 1.31 of AlarmWiz.
